Breaking Code

June 18, 2015

SQLAlchemy 1.05 wheels for Python 2.6 and 2.7 on Windows and Cygwin

Filed under: Programming, Tools — Tags: , , , , , , — Mario Vilas @ 12:35 pm

Hi folks!

I just built Python wheels for the latest version of SQLAlchemy (1.05 at the time I wrote this). This should make it a whole lot easier to install on Windows since no compiling is required. They’re only available for the latest versions of Python (2.7.10 and 2.6.6) since it appears to be impossible to make multiple minor versions of Python coexist. I did manage to install both 32 and 64 bit versions though. On Cygwin, only Python 2.7.10 is available (I don’t think it’s possible to install Python 2.6 there, at least not using the package manager), but at least I could produce builds for 32 and 64 bits as well.

I skipped Python 2.5 entirely since pip doesn’t work there, so I assume it’s not meant to be possible. If you happen to know how to make Python wheels work on it, let me know!

I also skipped Python 3.x, but that’s just because I hate it. I don’t even know if SQLAlchemy works there and quite frankly I don’t care. 😛

Enjoy! 🙂


SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.6 (Windows 32 bits)

SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.6 (Windows 64 bits)

SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.7 (Windows 32 bits)

SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.7 (Windows 64 bits)

SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.7 (Cygwin 32 bits)

SQLAlchemy 1.0.5 for Python 2.7 (Cygwin 64 bits)

December 20, 2013

WinAppDbg 1.5 is out!

What is WinAppDbg?

The WinAppDbg python module allows developers to quickly code instrumentation scripts in Python under a Windows environment.

It uses ctypes to wrap many Win32 API calls related to debugging, and provides an object-oriented abstraction layer to manipulate threads, libraries and processes, attach your script as a debugger, trace execution, hook API calls, handle events in your debugee and set breakpoints of different kinds (code, hardware and memory). Additionally it has no native code at all, making it easier to maintain or modify than other debuggers on Windows.

The intended audience are QA engineers and software security auditors wishing to test / fuzz Windows applications with quickly coded Python scripts. Several ready to use utilities are shipped and can be used for this purposes.

Current features also include disassembling x86/x64 native code, debugging multiple processes simultaneously and produce a detailed log of application crashes, useful for fuzzing and automated testing.

What’s new in this version?

In a nutshell…

  • full 64-bit support (including function hooks!)
  • added support for Windows Vista and above.
  • database code migrated to SQLAlchemy, tested on:
    • MySQL
    • SQLite 3
    • Microsoft SQL Server

    should work on other servers too (let me know if it doesn’t!)

  • added integration with more disassemblers:
  • added support for postmortem (just-in-time) debugging
  • added support for deferred breakpoints
  • now fully supports manipulating and debugging system services
  • the interactive command-line debugger is now launchable from your scripts (thanks Zen One for the idea!)
  • more UAC-friendly, only requests the privileges it needs before any action
  • added functions to work with UAC and different privilege levels, so it’s now possible to run debugees with lower privileges than the debugger
  • added memory search and registry search support
  • added string extraction functionality
  • added functions to work with DEP settings
  • added a new event handler, EventSift, that can greatly simplify coding a debugger script to run multiple targets at the same time
  • added new utility functions to work with colored console output
  • several improvements to the Crash Logger tool
  • integration with already open debugging sessions from other libraries is now possible
  • improvements to the Process and GUI instrumentation functionality
  • implemented more anti-antidebug tricks
  • more tools and code examples, and improvements to the existing ones
  • more Win32 API wrappers
  • lots of miscellaneous improvements, more documentation and bugfixes as usual!

Where can I find WinAppDbg?

Project homepage:

Download links:



Windows Help

HTML format (offline)

PDF format (suitable for printing)


Acknowledgements go to Arthur Gerkis, Chris Dietrich, Felipe Manzano, Francisco Falcon, @Ivanlef0u, Jean Sigwald, John Hernandez, Jun Koi, Michael Hale Ligh, Nahuel Riva, Peter Van Eeckhoutte, Randall Walls, Thierry Franzetti, Thomas Caplin, and many others I’m probably forgetting, who helped find and fix bugs in the almost eternal beta of WinAppDbg 1.5! 😉

April 8, 2012

Installers for BeaEnginePython, Pymsasid, PyDasm and Libdisassemble

Filed under: Tools — Tags: , , , , , , , — Mario Vilas @ 7:25 pm

I’ve packaged the BeaEngine Disassembler along with its Python bindings into a no-frills Windows installer. Certainly easier than manual install, and it really helps me when installing it on virtual machines. 🙂


Update: Just added another disassembler package, Pymsasid.

Update: Added precompiled Windows binaries for PyDasm on Python 2.6 and 2.7.

Update: My installers were added to the Python Arsenal for RE. 🙂

Update: The Pymsasid package was updated with a small change, so the importation works just the same as loading the .py files from the current directory (it’s just an “import *” in

Update: Added a simple setup script for Libdisassemble 2.0. Since I had to put the sources inside a package the import statement in your scripts will have to be adjusted if using this version. With a simple try/except block you can make scripts compatible with both versions as well, if you need to.


BeaEngine win32 installer: BeaEnginePython-3.1.0.win32.exe

BeaEngine win64 installer:

BeaEngine source installer: (run “python install”)

Libdisassemble 2.0 win32 installer: libdisassemble-2.0.win32.msi

Libdisassemble 2.0 win64 installer:

Libdisassemble 2.0 source installer: (run “python install”)

PyDasm precompiled binaries: (run “python install”)

Pymsasid source installer: (run “python install”)

March 18, 2012

Heappie! + WinAppDbg

Filed under: Tools — Tags: , , , , , , — Mario Vilas @ 7:35 pm

In case you missed it, Aníbal Sacco released a new tool called Heappie! to analyze heap sprays in multiple platforms. It uses PyGame and PythonCard for the GUI and Kenshoto’s VTrace as the backend. It’s really cool, check it out 🙂

Trippy screenshot, dude!

Now, I never get tired of saying how great VTrace is. It’s written in Python, supports multiple platforms and quite comfortable to develop with. But alas, I tend to prefer my own debugger (call me biased if you wish!). So today I went ahead and added WinAppDbg support to Heappie!. When WinAppDbg is installed, it’s chosen automatically as the backend. If not found, it falls back to VTrace. That way we don’t lose support for other platforms, since WinAppDbg naturally only works on Windows.

This patch also adds support for 64 bit versions of Windows, in case you were thinking this was just an exercise in self indulgence. Well, it is that, but not just that. Ahem.


Just download the file above, go to Aníbal’s blog to learn how to use it, and exploit all the bugs! 😀

So many vulns, so little time.


August 31, 2009

Using diStorm with Python 2.6 and Python 3.x, revisited

Filed under: Tools — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — Mario Vilas @ 10:01 pm

In a previous post, we’ve seen how to wrap the diStorm disassembler library in Python, using ctypes. This still left us with the task of building the dynamic link library for our platform and installing it manually, which is not as easy as it may seem – among other small problems you may find, the new versions of Visual Studio try to force the use of the latest C++ runtime redistributables, which may not be present in most Windows installations.

Today, I’m introducing a new ctypes wrapper for diStorm, this time with all binaries prebuilt and packaged together. The installer script automatically detects the target platform and installs the right binary. It comes with the following prebuilt binaries:

  • Windows on x86 and AMD64 processors
  • Linux on x86 and AMD64 processors (built using Ubuntu, but should work in other distros)
  • Mac OS X on x86 and PowerPC processors (untested, I don’t have a Mac to play with yet)

Since the installer code is pretty much generic, it should be easy to add new platforms by simply creating the corresponding subdirectory and placing the python code and prebuilt binary in it. Contributions are welcome! 🙂


Python 2.x

Python 3.x

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