Breaking Code

December 2, 2012

Navaja Negra (Black Razor) Conference

Filed under: Conferences — Tags: — Mario Vilas @ 6:39 pm

Just came back today from the Navaja Negra (Black Razor) Conference in Albacete, Spain. Had a great time there, seen lots of old and new faces (they literally filled the room!) and after the talks had a taste of the Albacete nightlife, and a fantastic dinner where I left my mobile phone on the table unattended, and my fellow speakers kindly reminded me in a polite and civilized manner of the importance of locking one’s phone.

This time my friend Aladdin Gurbanov (@SeTx[X]) and I gave a presentation called “Take a walk on the wild side”, an introduction to the world of e-crime on the Internet. I’ll update this post when the slides and the video are online. They’ll be in Spanish only, sorry! Think of it a chance to practice what you learned in Spanish class. 😉

Update: Unfortunately not all videos are available! A fragment of our talk is available at Ustream. There’s also a summary of the conference (in Spanish) at the MADESYP Academy blog.

Yup, that's my new knife! }:D

The organization had a really original gift for the speakers this year: a traditional Albacetean Teja black razor.

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